Clinical Hypnosis Training

Revised June 2024

Guidelines & Policies


Clinical Training in Hypnotherapy/Hypnoanalysis
–Levels of Training
(Clinical Education & Training Committee will review residents as they move from level to level.)

Before starting residency training in hypnoanalysis, the trainee must have completed the basic course, Hypnosis 101 (or equivalent) and the Advanced Hypnoanalysis course as taught by the American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysis within the last two years. If a candidate has not been to a 203 within this time, said candidate will repeat the 203 before starting residency.

The texts for this training, The Handbook of Brief Psychotherapy, by John Scott Sr., is to be read and studied, since understanding hypnoanalytic theory is a major focus especially during Level I of training. The syllabus from the introduction to hypnosis and advanced courses are also used. Additional materials may be provided.

1. Level I, Hypnoanalyst:
Level I: 150 hours

Goal: to understand and be able to use the basic tools of hypnoanalysis practice: HA history, beginning use of the WAE; to have an understanding of hypnoanalytic theory and how it applies to practicing HA; to be able to conduct age regressions safely. We do not assume mastery or full confidence for all kinds of traumas, all issues, or all clients. We expect the resident to be able to conduct AR’s independently without doing harm to the client (minimal competency). To be able to conduct AR’s safely we mean:

  1. To have skill in using open ended questions when exploring trauma to avoid creating a new memory
  2. To ensure the client is reviving the memory fully as required for memory reconsolidation
  3. To assist the client to uncover the unhelpful schema/core beliefs/suggestions
  4. To have basic tools in resolving traumatic memories
  5. To assist the client to formulate new beliefs/meaning/suggestions/and hypnotic experiences that directly counter the old beliefs in order to complete memory reconsolidation

We assume Level I hypnoanalysis will need case consultation and some degree of ongoing support to continue to develop competency.

During this time the Trainee must undergo a personal hypnoanalysis done by an analyst who is a clinical member, approved by the CEC. In the event the applicant has previously been in hypnonalysis, the therapy would be supplemented by the analyst. If the trainee’s has not had previous hypnoanalysis , their hypnoanalysis will be observed by other trainees. The goal is to learn from each other’s experience and to enhance group cohesion.

Additional areas of focus: proficiency in hypnosis skills, skill in formulating therapeutic suggestions, regular observation of Trainer doing hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnoanalysis. Much emphasis will be on hypnotherapy techniques, especially hypnotherapeutic suggestions in all situations, including age regressions.

If the resident is doing virtual residency, some variation will occur. You will be observing the hypnoanalysis of other residents who will be observing your hypnoanalysis. If the training analyst has clients who agree to be observed, you will be able to schedule to observe those clients. Having your training analyst (TA) observe and supervise you doing hypnosis and hypnoanalysis with your own clients is a requirement for this level.

It is expected that during the first 20 hours the Trainee is doing basic hypnosis with clients, including hypnotherapeutic suggestions related to stress, smoking cessation, performance anxiety, etc. Trainee will bring in some of these cases for supervision.

It is expected that the Trainee will have 2 HA clients by the 50th hour. By the end of 150 hours the trainee will have had 8 hours of supervised age regressions. The 1st level will not be complete until the trainee has been observed for 8 hours of age regressions. We assume the trainee will be able to conduct the HA history, 1st hypnosis, and WAE without live supervision. All of these tools will be reviewed to ensure the Trainee is competent in their use, including assistance filling in the WAE for clients.

The trainee will observe a minimum of 40 hours of clients (including the resident’s observing each other’s HA).

At the end of this Level the Trainee must pass the written exam and turn in three (3) original direct suggestion scripts.

Trainee will be provided with at least 70 scripts. The Trainee will receive additional scripts as needed for specific clients. These scripts, as well as all others received, may not, under any circumstances, be copied, duplicated or shared with anyone. By signing this agreement, the trainee agrees they will not share any AACH scripts or other materials with anyone else. The Trainee will also receive a one-year membership in the Academy (associate membership), which entitles him/her to discounts at annual meetings and postgraduate courses.

Training may be either live in the Training Analysts (TA) office or via video.

Residency hours are counted and paid for only when the TA is present.

Trainees are required to attend the AACH Advanced Course each year beginning after they are accepted into the Residency program. The Advanced Course fee is included in the cost of the Residency plus $100 for additional workshop training costs.

To complete the training the trainee must have had 8 live supervised age regressions. The trainee must pass the written exam. They must write three original scripts and turn them in to their TA.

Upon competition of the written exam and submission of 3 scripts, be approved as having base line competence as a Level I Hypnoanalyst, the instructor(s) will file a report with the Clinical Education and Training Committee. The Committee reserves the right to recommend further training before giving final approval. Length of time to complete this level shall preferably be no longer than 1 year unless negotiated with the TA and approved of by the Clinical Education Committee (CEC).

FEE: For these 150 hours the required fee is $3750.00.

The $3750 fee is due when training begins.

If the payment plan option is chosen, a 5% fee is added, thus making the total for Level I, $3937.00. The trainee will pay $500 before I begin the residency. This includes a $300 non-refundable administrative fee. The trainee agrees to pay monthly by having the office administrator automatically charge it to a credit card. The minimum monthly payment is $300. Should this level be completed before the fee is paid in full, I understand that full payment is received before certificate is received. I understand the Level I fee must be paid in full before advancing to Level II. The fee is refundable prorated based on number of hours completed except for the $300 administrative fee.

Resident’s client supervision fee

The Training Analyst will charge an additional fee for the required live supervision of resident’s clients age regressions. This fee will be set by the individual TA according to the normal fee they receive when seeing clients. This fee will be payable directly to the TA. It is assumed that the resident will be paid for their client hours.

2. Board Certified Hypnoanalyst:
Level II: 100 hours

Goal: The Trainee will develop skills for independent use of HA tools. Emphasis will be on the competent use of hypnoanalytic tools including refining the use of the WAE and adding techniques for age regressions. By the end of Level II the trainee will be able to independently, competently conduct age regressions for all clients with some case consultation as needed.

  1. The trainee will have 3-4 hypnoanalytic clients for live and/or case supervision
  2. The trainee will be able to flexibly use HA tools for a wide range of clients and traumatic memories.

This level consists of 100 more hours of training. To be eligible for this level the Trainee must have successfully completed Level I, be attending AACH annual conferences and be using hypnosis regularly.

This level includes recognizing clues to psychological schema in the clients presentation of their problems; finding the original learning of the schema; and full resolution including full reevaluation of the schema; and encoding of a new, psychologically transformative schema. Trainees will have the opportunity to refine script writing skills. They will refine the use of the history, WAE, and other hypnoanalytic tools. An emphasis on note taking to ensure old and new schema are documented so they can be used in various HA processes; and to ensure the trainee can communicate mastery of the process during their oral exam.

Trainees will have case consultation; continued training on advanced HA approaches; live supervision of trainee clients;

AACH will provide Trainee they will receive over 300 more scripts needed for a basic Script library, therapeutic scripts for a large variety of psychological and psychosomatic problems. These scripts may not, under any circumstances, be copied, duplicated or shared with anyone.

At the end of Level II, Trainee is required to write a hypnoanalytic article, on a suitable subject, acceptable for publication before training is completed. The trainee will apply to take the oral exam consisting of bringing 3 case files of the Trainee’s hypnoanalytic cases of various issues including age regressions that were conducted independently without input from the TA. These cases will be critiqued by the Clinical Education & Training Committee members. In addition, the trainee with have 3 live age regressions observed by at least one other TA and or hypnoanalysis approved by the CEC. To complete this stage of training, this Committee must approve the Trainee as competent. The Committee reserves the right to recommend further training before giving final approval. An experienced trainee may petition to reduce the number of hours needed before taking the oral exam. When approved, the Trainee is considered a Board Certified Clinical Hypnoanalyst by AACH and will have completed 250 hours of training. Length of time to complete this level shall preferably be no longer than 1 year.

FEE: Level II 100 hours, the required fee is $2500.00.

The same guidelines follow in this level as in Level I, except that if the payment plan is chosen, the 5% increased fee of $2625.00. The payment plan can be the same as the 1st level, or a higher amount can be chosen. Full Payment is required before the oral exam is conducted.

3. Master Hypnoanalyst, Training Analyst
Level III 75 hours

Goal: Mastery of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and hypnoanalysis theory, tools, and approaches. With assistance at the beginning, the Master Hypnoanalyst will be able to train others to use hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and hypnoanalysis leading to independent ability to train other hypnoanalysts.

When successfully completed, a Master Hypnoanalyst will be qualified to train licensed psychotherapists to conduct hypnoanalysis and age regressions whether through AACH, some other organization or independently. To be eligible to begin this level, the Trainee must have successfully completed Levels I & II, be attending AACH annual conferences and be using Hypnoanalysis with at least 50% of their clients. They may apply for this level or receive an invitation by the CEC.

Teaching HA offers a way to deepen our knowledge and understanding. We assume hypnoanalysis offers a rich rubric for incorporating a wide range of psychotherapy theory and tools, but also that no one will never learn everything there is to learn. Ultimately, we are all only students of the process of human change. A Master Hypnoanalyst and training analyst will continue learning and developing as a hypnoanalyst and also continue to develop practice wisdom that they can offer students.


  1. To be able to incorporate a variety of psychological theory and practice to HA
  2. To be able to use and teach all HA theory and tools
  3. To master advanced script writing
  4. To be able to conduct live supervision of trainee age regressions

This level of training will be highly individualized. It will include the trainee continuing to observe a TA’s age regression sessions. They will have continued case consultation. They will participate with other trainees offering their insights, occasionally teaching content and observing trainee’s client’s age regressions with the supervision of their own TA. They will present course content at Advanced courses. With the assistance of AACH, the TA will organize 1 introduction to hypnosis course in their own area and teach half of it at least.

At the end of this level, the trainee’s primary training analyst will present a report to the CEC. The CEC will decide if additional training is needed or if they trainee is ready to train others. The CEC will take into consideration the individual’s experience in deciding whether they are ready to train others.

FEE: For these 75 hours, the required fee is $1875.00.

The same guidelines follow for this level as in the previous two. If the payment plan is chosen, the 5% increased fee of $1970.00 is to be paid. The same payment plan for the 1st and 2nd levels or a higher payment can be made.

The fee for each level is to be paid by the trainee in accordance with a contract mutually agreed upon with the Academy as represented by its board of directors or officers.

The fee is refundable at a prorated amount depending on hours completed.

The Trainee will receive a certificate of completion from the American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysts, after completing each level of training and upon approval of The Clinical Education and Training Committee, provided that level has been paid in full.