Are you enrolled in an accredited clinical masters or doctorate program?

If you are in the last year of your masters or doctorate degree program from an accredited university, the AAMH Residency can jump-start your clinical practice.

In fact, if you enroll in Level One of the AAMH Residency during your last graduate degree year, you may be able to use some of the training hours towards your graduate counseling internship hours.

By using this unique method of Hypnoanalysis, you will be able to rapidly establish your own practice upon graduation and state licensure. AAMH training analysts will be with you throughout your program, helping you as you learn by observing and doing.  Valuable assistance and support in marketing are also a part of your residency.

Visit our Residency page for information on the full training.

Call 888-45HYPNO or email

We look forward to hearing from you.

AAMH Clinical Education Committee